Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Tuesday TV

My arms are sore, so this may be a little short.

In the Amazing Race the racers went to Cambodia,which they are pretty sure is in Asia. This didn't stop them from trying to communicate in Spanish. I love our little dunderheads.

They got to go to a village built entirely on water, including an enormous floating basketball court. Then they went to Angur Wat, the largest religious complex in the world. It looked amazing.

Aja and Ty got eliminated, as we knew they would be. They're plane was so far behind, they never had a chance. Although the producers tried to use sneaky editing to make it look more suspenseful.


Future Painter wants Hiro to go back into the Past and fix everything. Hiro says no, because last time he did that he spent forever on some boring story in feudal Japan and the ratings tanked. So Painter dude drugs him and sends him on a "vision quest" so he'll finally wise up.

Elle (lightening girl) makes her way to Claire's house and we learn that, like the Witch of the West, Elle doesn't fare so well against a bucket of water. Turns out that something short-circuited during her battle with Sylar, and now Elle can't turn her powers off.

So Elle and Claire head to Bad Guys Inc, where they heard they can get help.

Mama Petrelli wakes Sylar up and sends him after Peter. Sylar saves Peter, in the best moment of the night, and then just as it was getting good, has yet ANOTHER 180 turn around, and is back to being a villain.

Seriously, I feel like Sylar's constant change of heart is a solid basis for either a drinking game, or tv bingo. It passed the point of ridiculousness ages ago.

Sylar throws Peter out a window, and Peter lands in front of Elle and Claire. Claire helps Peter escape, and Elle joins the bad guys anyway, because anything is better than being a walking static ball.

Not-Nicki and Nate decided to talk to Mohinder, even though this never works out. Mohinder-spider grabs Miya, and heads off to Bad Guys Inc. where Papa Petrelli takes all of weepy girl's powers, and sends her back to whatever South American country she originally came from. ( I forget) Papa P also kills off Parkman's evil psychic Dad, so that's two irritating characters down in one episode.

Speedster joins up with Boring Parkman, whose amazing psychic abilities can't seem to ferret out that she's actually acting on orders as a double agent. Even when she's having said evil phone call 5 FREAKING FEET AWAY from his stupid psychic brain.

I hate you Parkman. So. .. MUCH... even Jean Grey was never this naive.

So the teams as we fade to black:

Good Guys:
Powerless Peter
Flame Lady
Mama Petrelli

Bad Guys:
Papa Petrelli
Fear Man
Blue Flamey Guy
Speedster Girl

Doing who knows what:
Future Painter Guy

People who've mysteriously dropped off the face of the planet:
Nate's wife
Nate's kids

People who were left in the future and then never heard from again, thus leading us to assume that they're still in the future, causing a massive snarl in the space-time continuum that will eventually result in a paradox that will destroy the universe:
Peter's Irish girlfriend from last season

Monday, October 27, 2008

Corbeau's Weekend Update

On Saturday I attended a three hour Krav seminar on carjacking defense. All the money raised went to charity, and I learned a lot. I also got punched in the ear and lost half a toenail so clearly, it was awesome.

In the interests of full disclosure, I actually cracked the nail awhile ago, but the seminar sent in on it's merry way. Half a toenail looks so weird, and I have a new appreciation for the exquisitely horrible sensitivity of naked toe flesh.

I spent most of Sunday fighting a headache (I wonder where that came from?) playing the bunny game, and sleeping.

Then today, I went back to Krav. We learned the back kick, and I'm getting better at hitting harder, for longer. For our last exercise, it was three-on-one, and the one started on the ground under a dogpile.

When it was my turn, I thought "Man I hope none of those guys belly flops on me" because even my ninja awesomeness would have a hard time power crawling under three people after having the air knocked out of me. But the guys were nice, and no one flopped.

Monday AMV

Are we all excited for Friday?

Let's watch some vampires. Real ones. Not those sissy Twilight vampires that I will probably be forced to see this December.

Every Halloween, once I got too old for trick or treating, my Dad would get Apple juice and glazed donuts, and we'd all watch the classic Dracula with Bella Lugosi. It was awesome. I now own Dracula on DVD, so I hope my roommates like 1930's horror.

Sunday, October 26, 2008


Well what do you know? My Spanish boyfriend was on 60 minutes last week.

Man, those guys are crazy. Crazy and hot.


BSA bought a Nintendo Wii, and we've been playing it all weekend. It's pretty fun, and some of the games actually give you a pretty good workout. The boxing game actually mimics your arm movements, including bobbing and weaving, and you have three rounds that last for three mintues each. By the end of that, you've worked up a sweat. We also have Mario Olympics, and the running and swimming games will also make your arms pretty sore the next morning.

The other game we have is Raymond Rampanging Rabbids. It's these physco little bunny rabbits that you play all these games against. Like cow swinging, or doing the bunny dances, or, my personal favorite, shooting the bunnies with your plunger gun.

Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Heroes: Total Weirdness

So total weirdness this week.

Heroes was actually...okay. Parts of it were even...enjoyable. I'm not sure I know how to react to this strange new development.

Ando Lives!! Hiro actually used his powers with some intelligence to fake Ando's death.

In fact, my favorite part of the show this week had to be when Hiro was trying to outwit a guy who can see the future by manipulating time. It ended with Hiro getting some sense smashed into him with a shovel. Let's hope it sticks. Stupid Hiro is sooo annoying.

Not-Nikki actually used her powers to get away from Mohinder-spider. Amazing I know!! That's two intelligent uses of powers in one episode! You know, the Nikki-clones have always been the smart ones of the series. She busted herself and Nate out of there, and judging by the previews for next week, calls the cops on He-lob.

Claire, Mom, and Not-Mom were all captured by creepy Puppet Guy, but then Claire managed to rescue them after a tense round of Russian roulette. Claire seems to have finally learned her lesson. After finally freeing herself from the Puppet Guy's control, she resisted the urge to monologue and just hit him in the head with a chair.

You go Claire!

Boring Psychic Parkman showed up at the airport with his turtle, and told Speedster girl that he saw the future, and they were married, and had a kid, and he loves her, and he's here to rescue you!

Creepy=Very Yes. I don't care how true it is, some things you should just keep to yourself.

Let's see. Sylar wakes up Peter so they can save Mom, but Peter can do it by HIMSELF thank you very much and storms off in a world class tanty (thanks Pushing Daisies! I love that phrase)

Big Bad Pappa Petrelli absorbs people's powers by touching them. Like Rogue, but without any of the negative effects. He drains Adam to dust (literally) so he's all healed up. He then takes all of Angry Peter's powers with a hug. Silly stupid Peter.

So now we have two uber duper super powered people walking around the Heroes universe. You know Heroes writers, super powers are cool and all, but it's the weaknesses that make the characters interesting.

Of course, now only Sylar can take on Dad, thus cementing his flip from bad guy to misunderstood good guy.

I wonder if they're going to drag that out all season long. We can all see it from here Heroes. You're not fooling anybody.

Ninja Mission!!

Last night we performed our ghosting. I made Oatmeal Chocolate Chip Caramel cookie bars using the handy recipe on the back of the Oatmeal Chocolate Chip Cookie bag.

This would have been a great opportunity to wear my ninja costume, but it didn't fit and the exchange hasn't made it back yet. So I went out in jeans and a black hoodie, which gave me the comforting thought of "Man I hope no one calls the cops on me."

BSA was the driver, TSA assisted with delivery. The first target lived on the top floor of an apartment complex with a brightly lit stairwell that you could see all the way down, and giant glass windows that let you see the parking lot (very safe, but inconvenient for sneaky cookie delivery.)

The only way to success lay in speed. TSA stayed on the ground floor, holding open the big safety door. I laid the cookies down on the mat, pressed the doorbell, and then flew down the stairs as fast as I could. Since they were little half stairs, I'd go down two steps, jump to the landing, use the railpost to swing around, take 2 steps, jump down, etc.

According to TSA, it sounded like this: thud thud BAM! thud thud BAM! thud thud BAM!
Until I hit the ground floor yelling "Go go go!!" like a commando. We jumped into the car, where BSA was laughing hysterically, having watched my descent through the enormous windows.

Fortunately (or unfortunately depending on your perspective) she wasn't home, so the cookie delivery remains anonymous.

Our second delivery wasn't that exciting, although I did manage to make it down their steep cement staircase without breaking my neck. They were home, so I was forced to press myself flat against the side of staircase, and try to become one with the potted plants above my head.

Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Monday AMV-A little late

I'm a little behind, but that's okay. I'm watching Fruits Basket, which is pretty dang hilarious for such a silly concept.

Tonight we may have a ninja mission. We got "ghosted" someone left treats on our porch, and now we need to tag someone else in the ward. Apparently this is a pretty common church culture thing, but this is the first I've heard of it.

Which means that it could have possibly started outside of Utah Valley! Inconceivable!

Monday, October 20, 2008


I almost saw a guy get pancaked today on 95. Some poor brave, desperate soul booking it across four lanes of interstate traffic with a gas can.

He barely made it, but I had that awful sinking feeling when you know you're about to see something horrible but can't really do anything about it.


So I totally missed recapping Heroes last week! Sorry about that. A short week shouldn't be that stressful, but my work managed to stuff 8 days worth of stress into 4 long days.

Let me see if I can remember.

Claire continued down her dark, angsty path of teenage disaffectedness. This involved a weird side story where she tried to collar a villian who was just misunderstood! He created swirling black holes of doom into another dimension and accidentally sucked people through.

So Claire felt all bad for him and then like her Dad totally showed up with like Sylar! Total Grossness!! And then like Claire totally wigged out because her Dad was like totally clueless about her serious heavy baggage but then he was like "Oh I just brought Sylar here so he could be sucked into a black hole!" and she's like "Dad, that's so not cool!" and then Sylar was like "Dude. Even though I'm back here by the car, I have like total super hearing, so I can hear you plotting. my death." and then the vortex man was like, "I'm so sick of this plot that I'm going to suck myself away!"

And then he did.

Spider-Mohinder, in an attempt to hasten Sigourney Weaver's guest appearance, is webbing people into cocoons, including weepy-death girl, despite the fact that last season she killed everyone within 5 miles anytime she saw a Hallmark commercial. The fact that somehow she couldn't even take out freaking Mohinder is just annoying.

I just want to point out that Sigourney Weaver guest starred on Eli Stone this week, so my SW theory here is highly plausible, and would make Heroes awesome.

Speaking of Hiro, he and Ando continued acting like total morons, ending with Hiro stabbing Ando for reasons I couldn't bring myself to care enough to try and understand.

But if Ando is really dead, I'm done with this show. You hear me Heroes?!! I will recap Pushing Daisies!! An awesome show with clever writing, satisfying storylines, and quotable lines!

Let's see, what else happened. Claire's mom, in an attempt to save Claire from her own teenage drama stupidity, went after another villain "The PuppetMaster" just in case Claire went there to make her dramatic bounty hunter statement.

However, she was full of fail, and is now being held captive by a creepy, fat, balding guy in a wifebeater.

Oh yeah! Parkman's annoying Dad is the one pulling all the strings by projecting the dead evil dude into everyone's brains, but he's actually working for Peter Petrelli's Dad, who's some sort of super-powerful psychic but also a bed-bound vegetable, in a total ripoff of Professor X.

Saturday, October 18, 2008

Have you seen this one?

I am trying to see how many differant opera's you have seen and if you can name them. Just enjoy the music!


Hope that someday you get to see this one!! If you have not yet seen it.

Wednesday, October 15, 2008


Do you know the thing I hate most about working overtime? Driving home in the dark. It just feel weird to have missed the sun all day. This is probably why I don't whine as much about working late in the summer.

Tonight, as I was driving home, the full moon was out and low to the horizon. It was also a creepy brownish-yellow. I don't think I've ever seen a moon that color, outside of cartoons.

Well, with a creepy moon like that setting the tone, in the month of October no less, there's only one thing you can really do:

Dance like an 80s zombie!!

Unfortunately the original music video has deactivated embedding, but here's the link if you want to watch it on youtube

Monday, October 13, 2008

Amazing Race


The Geeks, who I was rooting for, got the boot because they failed to follow the instructions on their clue card!!

Grr, now who will I cheer for? The divorcees, who started a super deadly Southern type fued with the bro/sis team after discovering that one of their sports bras fell off a shelf?


Oh well. The teams were in Bolivia where one member of each team had to put on a superhero suit, learn a wrestling routine, and perform it in front of an audience. The dread adversaries in the ring? The Fighting Cholitas. Bolivian women fighters in traditional skirt/bowler costumes who own the wrestling ring.

This has made it to my vacation list.

Also, Fighting Cholitas would be an awesome name for a rock band.

Monday AMV

Guess who has today off?

It's just as well. I'm coming to the end of my typhoid inoculation period. The first half wasn't bad. Mainly just a little stomach pain, but starting yesterday I feel a little fuzzy and off.

Stupid weakened typhoid virus. Well I'll show it!! I'm going to sit here and watch tv on the couch.


Go Breast Cancer Awareness!

Saturday, October 11, 2008

It's MIley!!

I love The Soup, they understand the mental scarring that comes from High School Musical.

Friday, October 10, 2008

Henry IV Part 1

Last night we got to go see the first of three plays put on by the Folger Shakespeare Theater. The Folger is primarily about research, but every year they put on three of the Bard's plays, and every one I've been to as been awesome.

I was a little worried about this one though. I vaguely remember studying it in High School, and I thought it was boring. I also liked Hotspur, the villian, better than Prince Henry (the hero.)

But the play was really good. The actors really brought out the comedy that's hard to catch when you're just reading it.

Plus they made Hotspur into a first class jerk, so I wasn't as upset about his imminent demise.

The plays are three hours though, and deep into the third hour I started doing the sleepy head-bob during a monologue on honor, but then they started running around, beating on each other with swords, and coming out with more and more fake blood so I stayed awake.

We got home around 11:30, I was asleep by midnight, and woke up at 4 because I was worried about sleeping through the alarm. Work wasn't too bad, I was in class most of the day, which kept me engaged anyway. The only problem is that when I'm tired, the filter between my brain and my mouth detoriates pretty quickly.

We were having a hard time logging on to a new system that we got our passwords for 2 months ago. None of us could remember our passwords exactly, and if you tried too many times it would lock up and then comes the call of shame to tech support.
I was on my fifth try, flirting with the point of no return, when I finally got it right and the little logo box popped up on my screen.

When I saw that little sign pop up I raised my arms above my head in the "touchdown" sign and let out a "WHOOOOOO!!!"

Everyone turned around and stared at me. One girl laughed. I apologized for disrupting the class and we moved on.

It was a little embarrassing though.

Tuesday, October 07, 2008

Hot Chocolate

I love the fall, except for the fact that it's now cold and dark when I get up in the morning. Once we get to full on winter, the sun won't rise until almost my second hour of work.

So occasionally I like to reward myself for making it out of bed by getting a hot chocolate for the road.

I usually get Starbucks, with their rich blend of cocoa and steamed whole milk. Hmmm, it's good stuff.

Today, they had something new. "Salted Caramel Chocolate" Wow, I thought to myself, that sounds disgusting. I must try it.

It was surprisingly delicious. The caramel had the slightly burned, slightly bitter taste of the goo you get with flan. So it was rich without being overly sweet.

If you like caramel, it's definitely worth a try.

Also, I went to the movies with some friends from work, and saw Eagle Eye: The IMAX experience.

It was better than I thought it would be. And even when he's 20 feet tall, Shia Leboef is still the kid from Holes.

Although the beard helps. A little.

Heroes Recap: The Dire Future

I miss when Heroes was an action series and not a bizarre soap opera.

So most of this episode took place 4 years in the future, so we can all get an idea of the horribleness that everyone is supposed to prevent.


Claire is evil, and has dyed her hair brown to prove it. Really Heroes? Why not go all the way and just give her an evil goatee to go with it?

Since I just dyed my hair "truffle," you may now call me Evil Corbeau.

Evil Claire kills Future Peter by shooting him. With a normal handgun. In the chest. And he dies. Despite the fact that he got Claire's healing/immortality in Season 1, and has survived falling off buildings, being shot, electrocuted, a full on power shoot out with Sylar, having sharp pointy things jammed in his head and oh yeah, a Freaking NUCLEAR EXPLOSION, he dies from a couple of rounds.

While Future Peter lies improbably dead, Present Peter and Evil Claire spend the rest of the episode having angst filled conversations.

Before Future Peter dies, he tells Present Peter that to stop the badness, he needs to find Future Sylar and take his brain eating powers. I can hear you now. "But Corbeau," you're saying, "that just doesn't make any sense at all!"

Future Sylar is spending the future as Mr. Cleaver, complete with cute Leave it to Beaver moppet. Peter gets Sylar's power, and the Moppet gets killed by Evil Claire and her gang. Sylar goes splodey, taking a good chunk of California with him.

OH YEAH, sigh. Apparently, Sylar really is the secret Petrelli sibling that no one ever knew about. Soon, everyone in this show is going to be a member of the Petrelli clan. It's like that run in the X-men where every other high power mutant turned out to be related to Cyclops.

I don't like this, since it turns the global crisis into an inter-family squabble.

NEXT Season, On Heroes: The World is destroyed when Sylar brings blueberry pie to Thanksgiving dinner, even though he knows that Peter HATES blueberry. Can Hiro make it to the past and save the world, armed only with his wits and a recipe for pumpkin?

Sorry. Back to the recap:

Speedy chick has given up her punk/art thief ways, her condo in Paris, and adventurous lifestyle for the fat psychic cop, a cramped NY apartment, and a bad hair cut. I don't buy it. How on earth does the speedster wind up with the cop? Where did the maternal drive come from? Is love truly THAT blind?

And speaking of eye-sores, Mohinder has turned himself into a newt. He spends most of the episode scuttling behind objects, but based on the scales and slime he's creating in the present, I expect that Sigourney Weaver will soon be along with a flame thrower to finish him off.

So Present Peter has Sylar's power and 'hunger' and does the forehead cutting thing with Nate, who then improbably dies, despite the fact that Peter didn't finish scalping him. Present Peter returns to the present, and got into a name calling contest with Sylar about who was the bigger monster.

Let's see, did anything else happen?

Oh yeah, Ice girl found out the Mad Scientist who created her was funded by The Company, that there was no stopping her powers, and then she tried to kill herself by jumping off a bridge, but Nathan flew in and saved her.

Monday, October 06, 2008

Amazing Race

I don't know about you guys, but I'm getting the feeling that this season's contestants aren't the brightest bulbs on the tree.

This makes me think that the race will go to the smart teams, either the geeks (who I'm cheering for), the bro/sis team, or the bitter estranged couple that are trying to save their marriage.

The rampant stupidity does make for some good television.

This week, the teams were still in Brazil, and for the detour they had to choose between rolling a boat into the sea using the traditional rolling log method, or finding a specific cargo container in the city's enormous port.

This led to our first awesome duh moment of the night, where the Texas divorcees, after finally getting their boat to the water, started freaking out about "finding the container" despite the fact that other teams had already finished their boat rolling and were running for the taxis.

These two gals, on the other hand, ran around the beach looking for the non-existent container, going so far as to dig madly in the wet sand around the little Amazing Race flag.

After they finally caught on, they vowed to read the clues thoroughly, and then walked straight out to the next challenge without telling their cab to wait, even though the clue specifically told them to.

You gotta love a reality show where reading comprehension plays such a vital role.

Monday AMV

It's Hockey Season!!

I love hockey. Its fast. It's aggressive. And in the third period you get to sing the hockey song.

But never fear, as fun as the hockey song is, I found some more hockey awesomeness.

Also, this happened Friday night:

Thursday, October 02, 2008

Early Morning Funny

From College Humor, which dares to ask, what would happen if all movies had cell phones?

This an issue with so many movies, Glass House, I'm looking at you. You're just sitting there thinking, "You know, all of these problems could be solved with a phone call."

Romeo and Juliet is my favorite.